The girl's school supplies came today. It's a strange blend of relief and fear. Fear because it's really real and relief because it's not THAT much. :)
The secret life of a middle America housewife, with a twist of course! From lunches packed for my lovely working wife to messes made and cleaned. Diners cooked and art made. The hair pulling and the hair dying. Oooh, and I am homeschooling for the first time and this is a “scrapbook” of both our bumps and our successes; from the down and dirty of learning to the fun and excitement of field trips and kitchen experiments.
The girl's school supplies came today. It's a strange blend of relief and fear. Fear because it's really real and relief because it's not THAT much. :)
We went to the orientation for our Homeschool group yesterday. I am really excited! The kids got there school IDs - so if we are out and about during the week or if a neighbor would complain to child protection we have the correct paperwork to show they are actually being schooled. I never even thought about that. LOL. I took a ton of notes, but why I am most happy? I found out that if we do this through high school the kids will still be eligible for TOPS which is a grade based scholarship program the state does for all kids with a 2.5 grade point average or above.
So much more is coming ~ SOON!
TTYL - love,
Ever Edem