Sunday, July 31, 2011

So much to do, so little time.

Let's see:
Up first - HS orientation. I nervous and excited! Then, I have to get to an MRA and Zumba up next. I might try to make that easier by hitting the gym. I don't know. I know that the kids have their school shipments coming and I feel like it's going to be Christmas day! I just hope my new glasses help a lot, I have mucho reading to get done!
As always, the angel fish I live with floated around without a worry in the world - oblivious to the fact that I am getting stressed! LoL
Ever Eden

Friday, July 29, 2011

Sleepy Friday.

Perhaps taking a hint from their mother the fur babies slept in to an inordinate hour. No doubt it was the gray sky and rain. When I woke up I thought it was near dawn, in reality it was darn near nine in the morning. I've been having a migraine the last few days, but it seems that I am also reacting to the weather. We've had rain, rain, more rain, and rain the last week. Blah.
Later my lovlies ~ Ever Eden

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Who is the most cool?

I have never been able to get this baby to work. I bought it two years ago to make cooking egg sammies easier, but it jut turned into a mess! Only, wait! I got it, because this sexi biatch does not give up! He'll to the yeah!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Girl, get them done if you have to!

In my book there are three essential things a woman MUST have taken care of: nails, perfume and shaved! Just like we can't have enough jewelry, bags or shoes - listen up boys!
So even as I am sick I am on top of the nail thing! I went ahead and took care of my nails just before my Theraflu knocked me out. Cool thing? I woke up with perfect nails, unusual because usually I get them done and then screw them on they next thing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Medicine head.

Things are not as lovely as once they were.

But, as any good woman with a heart of gold and steel I am pressing on. Gym. Grocer. Dinner. I will not be stopped. It's hard work to be a trophy wife Ans that don't stop even when I'm sick. Girl, you bet you vodka tonic I am sick. Flonaise, Nasonex, Z-pack and about a doWn over the counters say so. Blah!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ready? Set. Play!

Mimi has the girl's DS chargers and it has cause a sort of great depression this weekend. I can so hear them speak of this as adults, "Lou, dear, do you remember that dark weekend when once we had no DS?" "Of course, darling Mavis, how on earth could one forget?"
It made me realize my duckies are too plugged in. I decided to have "dark days" once a month or bi monthly, where we live without lights and electricity (aside from the fridge and such.) While that was my grand scale thought, I also thought, "Games!" and have decided to work more games into our budget. I went to WallyWorld and picked out our first new game, Robo Champs. It's a Lego game where you race to build a robot of which ever color. Fun, fast paced, easy and a charm to store - it was just what I wanted! If it is fun I am picking up Lego's Frog Rush next week!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Getting it done!

Lou came with me to the open air market. Shrimp are not in season, which I forgot all about when I made my list, and soft shell crabs were sold out way before I got to the market. Lou had fun making a painting, but the kids working the booth failed to hang her art up so it didn't dry. We decided to make our own at home.

I stuffed bell peppers for lunch. I was a little ruffled, though. I was aggravated because B had a friend over, unplanned, so I had to adjust on the fly in order to cook him lunch also. For what? So he could eat half and then declare himself too full to finish. Okay. Only moments later he ate a pack of jerky and then a sandwich. How insulting is that? I am a wonderful cook you asshat!

Mavis, Lou and I walked over to Paw-paw's house and took a dip. This was a maybe on today's list, but then I was like, "What the hell? The grocer can wait, but the ducks will grow!" and decided to take them today and go out to the grocer tomorrow.
Love ~ Ever Eden

Friday, July 8, 2011

Ever Eden, the list maker.

As I start to take the housewife thing more and more serious, as it becomes my "job" and life "work" if you will, it seems it gets easier and more fun. Maybe it's because B and I are getting better at out roles. She is definitely getting better and better at understanding my limits and catering to them. I, I think, in turn am getting better at communicating in her way and at being a Holly Homemaker. (Which, being the femme of the house, makes B really happy!)
Anypassthevodkaitsnoonalreadyway, tomorrow is the day of Satur so that means there is lots to do. In an effort to be more efficient I am now a list maker. That's right, me - Ever Eden - am now a list maker, may God bless us all! I'll let you all know how it goes my little piggies!
Love ~ E.E.

The cats.

It would be impossible to document our lives and not introduce you to our entire fam. We have five cats, yes FIVE! We are done, for now! It wasn't like we went out looking for five cats. Kinny was adopted in the early months of 2005. He was named by a two year old Lou, they have been BFF ever since. In fact he pre-dates B. He's been through a lot with the hurricane and all the moving our family did after. Once we were done with apartments and bought this house we brought him in shortly after, he had been living with my mother.
I had long wanted a Burmese cat and through research many years ago I decided I wanted a pure blooded Siamese. We put a down payment on a blue pointed Siamese in August. In September, just a month before we were to go pick up our Siamese, a perfect little kitten appeared in our back yard. She refused to go away and didn't get the memo that stated we were not up for adoption. Within days she had picked us and Darius Jane was our unofficial (official) second cat. In October we headed to North Carolina for B's high school reunion and to pick up my son, my strapping young man, my Lir. He was just as awesome as I knew he would be with one little problem. He fell in love with B. He was HERS and I was left out. :(
A bit under a year later I was pitching a fit about how I still didn't have a cat to love me when B was like, "Then get one." I did some research and found a breeder a little more local, a week later Lou and I made the six hour round trip to pick up Molly Gru. A month later we returned to that breeder to pick up Molly's little sister for Lou. Ruby Rita Pearl... Honestly I don't remember Ruby's whole name because Lou named her and Lou makes decisions the way I do, which is to say poorly. lol
So there they are, the living fur balls we love!
  ♥~ Ever Eden
Kenneth Cole - Handbags & Shoes, 6.5yrs
Darius Jane, Dari, 2.5 yrs
A Hero For Her Sake, Lir, almost 2 yrs.
Molly Gru, 1 yr
Ruby, 1 yr

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What have I done?

We moved to this lovely little house a twee bit over two years ago and I just couldn't make myself think of paint or decor. I just needed to settle after moving so so so much. I did focus on the kids. They were six and four and were getting their own rooms for the first time. We painted Lou's room light lavender with blue ceilings and clouds. Mavis went for a rare girlie moment and had hers done light pink with a lighter pink ceiling, it's a lot like being on the inside of a little girls jewelry box.
Anywho, for many reasons that will not be on this blog (because this is my heaven you see) I am a stay at home mom now. With that, we decided that I will Homeschool the little ducks. (Lou hates when I call them that.) We feel that for Lou, who is advanced and amazing this will be good because it can be suited to her and help her stay moving forward. Also, we don't like the emotional toll some of the kids at school were having on her. For Mavis, who is very bright but strong willed, we felt that this was a good way to provide her structure and attention a teacher with 25 screaming students couldn't give.
All that just to say this: my loving and beautiful wife, B, just endure a huge ridiculous freak out on my behalf where I screeched like a harpie and cried like a little boy who ripped his tutu all about how I needed this house organized! So whe sent me and the ducks out for a weekend and she worked her OCD magic and we came home to the most amazing house EVER!
Then, and only then, I was struck! "If this is to be my world, if I am to mold young minds here and create a good life for us all, I MUST paint the walls."
That's right, and instead of slapping my bipolar behind and sending me to bed without supper, my loving B let me pick colors and dove in.
The room living currently awaiting paint.
The kitchen, who had to absorb the exploded guts of my dear front room!
Of course, now my amazing house is a wreck! Oh, harpie that is me, please get through this in one piece!
♥ ~ Ever Eden